Forslean®, coleus forskohlin, is a standardized extract from the roots of the coleus forskohlii plant, a member of the mint family of plants.  Forslean stimulates adenylate cyclase, which increases cyclic AMP levels, eventually leading to activation of hormone sensitive lipase. This helps shift the proportion between lean body mass and adipose, or fatty tissue, in favor of lean body mass.

Acetyl L-carnitine is the ester of the amino acid L-carnitine. Acetyl L-carnitine is absorbed more efficiently than L-carnitine, passes more readily through cell membranes and is utilized more efficiently in the mitochondria of the cell. Acetyl L-carnitine assists in the transport of fat through cell membrane into the mitochondria within the cell where these fats are oxidized to produce cellular energy, ATP.

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Tower Garden®
Tower Garden®

Grow good health Tower Garden® simplifies traditional gardening, using a unique vertical garden system that makes it easy to grow your own fresh fruits and vegetables at home. Click the image to learn more.